Projekt Kleine Engel
Old Projects

2003 – 2010
The first kindergarten from the Projekt Kleine Engel and a former kindergarten from the Okanona project. In this kindergarten, all annual costs were taken over, also for the 5 children of the deceased mother and sister of the director, all other family members and about 50 kindergarten children.
Moving to a new township, end of support.
Mayana Meho
Kindergarten bei Rundu
This kindergarten, designed for 30 children, was created through cooperation with the M.C.P
project from Heidelberg. The kindergarten
received financial support, PV panels, donations in kind, food donations,…. , and is running independently for many years.

Day Care Centre
2006 – 2014
The project helped with the purchase of a container for 2 kindergarten groups, the construction of the house, an extension for the director's sister, the annual renovation and all other costs incurred.
Is running independently for many years.
Gisella Day Care Centre
2008 – 2019
New construction of a kindergarten and great support and help with the construction of the residential building by a godmother from Germany. There was also a special sponsorship for the eldest daughter, which gave her the opportunity to visit Germany.
All given chances were not taken, end of support.

Day Care Centre
2008 – 2019
Renovation of an existing kindergarten made of wooden panels and construction of a second
group room. A good runnig kindergarten that
has been sponsored for many years.
Owner has decided on a new sponsor,
end of support.
Health Care Centre
Attempted cooperation with a nurse from the Tamariskia Clinic at the time. Unfortunately we
were lied to from the beginning, the kindergarten
didn't work at all (no children) and we had the feeling that we were only being taken advantage of.
After a few months, the kindergarten
was dismantled – end of support.

Little Sweet Home
2005 – 2020
Construction of a kindergarten for a former kindergarten teacher from the "Dorothea Day Care Centre". The project supported the whole family
and covered all the costs incurred by the
kindergarten (up to 86 children),
e.g. rent, salaries, food, toys,
separate building materials,.... .
Death of grandchild in kindergarten,
end of support.
Grow Together
2022 January – March
Attempted cooperation with the D.R.C. Women's project - Cancellation at the end of the trial
period due to incompatibility - end of support.

Little Bee
2016 – 2022
In this kindergarten, the building had to be moved 3 times because no precise information about the property line was available. Full assumption of construction costs, food, salaries,
private support, toys, ... . The plans for a
permanent building were almost complete
but were discarded again.
The manager has accepted a job with the
municipality – end of support.
Kindergartens "Olutenda", "Gisela", "Hope"
were only supported temporarily as required and the kindergarten "Angel Gabriel" only after consultation.